Teaching Grammar with Board Races

One chalenge in teaching grammar rules can be to keep the lesson interesting. Students are usually bored by memorizing a list of rules and it is totally low of attention. Board Races is one of the activities that can keep the students active in learning grammar. The procedures of this activity are:

1. The teacher lists the adjective words on the board.

2. The teacher make the column of “-er” and “more” form.

3. Break the students into teams.

4. Students run to the board to write the adjectives on the correct column.

5. The student gives the board marker to his/her friend in a group to continue what they already do.

6. Continue until all of the words are categorized.

7. Correct the answers after the game finished.

8. The fastest group is the winner provided by the correct answer.

9. Get the examples of the use of those words in sentences from the students to make sure that the students do not only understand the rule but also able to use them correctly.

Board races create a very dynamic class. Other variations that can be used are:

  • Verb tenses
  • Conjugation
  • Regular vs irregular verbs

This activity also can be used in teaching vocabulary.

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